Mya's Blog

the most amasing blog ever

blog challange 5 orange colour fruit


what is an amassing teat you can have it is an orange. when I say the word orange you think about ether fruit or colour

The orange specifically, the sweet orange  is the fruit of the citrus species Citrus  sinensis in the family Rutaceae. The fruit of the Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish it from that of the Citrus aurantium, the bitter orange. The orange is a hybrid, possibly between pomelo (Citrus maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata), cultivated since ancient times.All citrus trees belong to the single genus Citrus and remain almost entirely interfertile. This means that there is only one superspecies that includes grapefruits, lemons, limes, oranges and various other types and hybrids. As the interfertility of oranges and other citrus has produced numerous hybrids, bud unions and cultivars, their taxonomy is fairly controversial, confusing or inconsistent. The fruit of any citrus tree is considered a hesperidium (a kind of modified berry) because it has numerous seeds, is fleshy and soft, derives from a single ovary and is covered by a rind originated by a rugged thickening of the ovary wall.


Orange, along with red, yellow and black, was one of the first colors used by man. It was made with ochre pigments, mixed with animal fats and painted onto the walls  of the Lascaux cave in southern France, in Spain, and elsewhere in Europe.

The colour orange is named after the appearance of the ripe orange fruit.

The word comes from the Old French orenge, from the old term for the fruit, pomme d’orenge. That name comes from the Arabic naranj, through the Persian naranj, derived from the sanskrit naranga





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